TGF Do Something Challenge 2024 - Season Two - Week One

I totally get it. But my setup is pretty simple even when I don't use DAW 'templates' (which is pretty much never!). Helix Native has made sessions a lot easier in my case. SD3 is solid and I count on it for most of the drums. You could say those 2 are my templates to start from although they certainly aren't basic plugins. I do want to set up an experimental station connected to my recording desk -- with different noise makers, analog gear and some synths. That is goal this year because I do like creating textures and soundscapes.
Speaking only for myself, if I spend too much time on a track.. it just seems to get worse instead of better.

I have stacks of notes on my desk with speaker blends (2 speaker combinations) that I like, amp settings, etc.

Same with composing. I try to quickly figure what patterns work over a given chord progression and just give myself about 3 takes and then move on.

Same. On the other hand I almost never get anything done…
My biggest hurdle would be getting into a 'too much tweak' zone. The do something challenges have helped me focus more on the ideas rather than on the technical aspects. I mean, it's still there in my head but I'm more at peace with letting something go than in the past.
Speaking only for myself, if I spend too much time on a track.. it just seems to get worse instead of better.
That is often the case with me too, especially with mixing. Recording/playing is a mixed bag, because there have been many times where an unexpected idea comes from a scenario like that. Maybe it leads to another song or a better arrangement?
That is often the case with me too, especially with mixing. Recording/playing is a mixed bag, because there have been many times where an unexpected idea comes from a scenario like that. Maybe it leads to another song or a better arrangement?
I think, because I've been playing guitar for so long (50 years), chord progressions seem to occur to me very quickly.

Although I do not have any formal music training and I basically "play by ear", I grew up learning a lexicon of riffs from players I like.. Schenker, Brad Whitford & Joe Perry, EVH, Angus & Malcom Young, Satriani, Hendrix, Jerry Cantrell, etc, etc.
I'm sure you guys know this, but when you start a track in your DAW, there's no reason to start from scratch every time.

I have what I call a "template track" where I have a drum track assigned with EQ. The drum tracks I use are whatever I can find out on teh YouTube at the tempo I want to play at. But they are all low quality because I don't pay for the good ones.

The EQ helps because otherwise the snare always sounds like someone hitting a wet cardboard box with a dead cat.

Same goes for bass. I gave my bass guitar away last year, so I just track my guitar.. compress it, run it through the native pitch shifter in Reaper - down one octave. As long as it buried in the mix, it will pass for a "bass".

The template track I use also already has the Master Bus track open with fade in/fade out.. I just drag that around to where I need it.

Same with the EQ on the master bus. I use a $5 plugin from Audio Assault called IQ EQ to handle the frequency build-up you get from tracking 4 ~6 distorted guitar tracks, and to hi-pass the low end.

Good advice Champ!

I actually have a DAW "song" called "New Song Template" and it has empty drum, bass, guitar, Vox, SFX and record tracks. Each individual track has its specific hi/lo pass filters, and any other FX that would be applicable. So, when I want to start a new song, I just load that "song" into my DAW and go. Then I drop in the drum loops that suit the basic idea and record guitars/bass from there.

Totally agree that everyone should have something like this. Not sure about tuning the guitars first, though... :unsure:
@Iron1 , thanks for your continued time and efforts in making this happen! And of course all the laughs you pack into each one of your introductions, classic stuff that deserves an award all it's own ;~))

Looking forward to participating if I can get at least one of my guitars in tune ;~))

That was killer. Apparently Fen-Fen-Benders are a thing. Who knew?

Also, to all:

When you post your entry please begin the post by stating which category applies: Original Track, Cover Song or Guitar Solo.

When I go to add up all the points, it will take way too long if I have to try and figure out which category for every entry. So, please, help a brother out and tag your post with the category. (Thanks for doing that with yours, @PLX !)