Cool Solos


Rock Star
I like to get away from the prog stuff, and technique-practice, and just learn a badass, cool solo.

So I'm a glutton for punishment, and sitting with Steely Dan's Do It Again. This thing is just making me laugh! The timing, the groove, the feel..., the MEMORIZATION!!

Another one I think that just has it all is I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You, which I did learn, but probably forgot.

You have any?
The memorization is 90% of the reason I just don’t bother learning other stuff unless I’m really driven to do so for some reason, like No More Tears. When I first put my Gilmour Strat together and loaded up some PULSE presets I couldn’t wait to play along to everything and anything on PULSE. While I had those songs/solos down probably 90% of the way when I was a teen, I was so lost I just laughed.

Like I still hear how they go in my head, but once I put on a guitar I was so lost. I started going back and re-learning them like I used to, just looping sections and playing it over and over, but I just can’t retain the info these days. Maybe I’ll give it a go again now that I’ve cleared the brain out of some funk.
The memorization is 90% of the reason I just don’t bother learning other stuff unless I’m really driven to do so for some reason, like No More Tears. When I first put my Gilmour Strat together and loaded up some PULSE presets I couldn’t wait to play along to everything and anything on PULSE. While I had those songs/solos down probably 90% of the way when I was a teen, I was so lost I just laughed.

Like I still hear how they go in my head, but once I put on a guitar I was so lost. I started going back and re-learning them like I used to, just looping sections and playing it over and over, but I just can’t retain the info these days. Maybe I’ll give it a go again now that I’ve cleared the brain out of some funk.
Yeah, and it don't get any easier the older you get.

I find I have to memorize the parts, but then I just have to let the groove take over. Like in a solo like DIA, I can't remember- he plays the 5-5 frets, then the 3-3 frets, like that. I just have to get it to the point where I can just play it. If that makes sense.

The DT shit, otoh, I actually find a lot easier to memorize than solos that are mostly groove and feel. Probably because JP's solos are pattern-based most of the time.

Like I "tried" to learn Shine On Crazy Diamond, and there was NO WAY I could commit it to memory, by either feel, OR rote. I needed to SEE the music going by.
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Love that solo and really great tone
great song from my younger days always brings back great memories :chef
I feel like I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You is one of THE best guitar solos ever written! Makes a very cool, bluesy opening statement, with its own "partial" ending, in a way that says, "But wait, there's more." Does it again, then weaves its way on down, with the perfect use of pauses to create space, then finishes up, and just gets out. Done. It's brilliant!
Man, this is why my solos aren't interesting- DIA is like a lesson in choosing just the right notes at the right time to make it sound cool AF!
This is seriously cool but also a bit tricky

Drop D.
I like to get away from the prog stuff, and technique-practice, and just learn a badass, cool solo.

So I'm a glutton for punishment, and sitting with Steely Dan's Do It Again. This thing is just making me laugh! The timing, the groove, the feel..., the MEMORIZATION!!

Another one I think that just has it all is I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You, which I did learn, but probably forgot.

You have any?
Do you want melodic or technical?
Actually, stealing of the 6DOIT theme, I always thought the “Misunderstood” solo was the SH*T! He did it the ‘legit’ way; played the solo, reversed it, learned the reversed version of the solo, recorded that and then reversed it after. And it’s one of my favorite DT songs.

Actually, stealing of the 6DOIT theme, I always thought the “Misunderstood” solo was the SH*T! He did it the ‘legit’ way; played the solo, reversed it, learned the reversed version of the solo, recorded that and then reversed it after. And it’s one of my favorite DT songs.

I'd forgot about that bit of DT trivia!! There are gems all over this album!!

It took me several listens-thru to "get" 6DOIT (the song), but man, what an epic masterpiece of songwriting!