Tone X 1.5 Update


Rock Star
IK's groundbreaking AI Machine Modeling software gets a fresh interface with user-requested features, new navigational tools and a faster workflow.

IK Multimedia Releases TONEX 1.5-unnamed-1-.jpg
January 11, 2024 - IK Multimedia releases TONEX™ 1.5, a major update to IK's software based on powerful AI Machine Modeling™ technology that lets users model their own rig and play, practice and record with over 23,000 ultra-realistic Tone Models of amps and pedals already available on ToneNET.

This free update for all versions of TONEX is loaded with time-saving new features, many based on user feedback, to help browse and find the right tones faster and stay in the creative zone longer. It also includes 15 new Premium Tone Models for paid versions of TONEX (SE, Full and MAX).

TONEX 1.5 New Features
Improved Tone Model filtering and searching with a dedicated sidebar
User folders can now be created to organize Tone Models and presets
New Card view displays more Tone Models in a single window
Rescale and smart resize let users zoom-in or show more content
Amp and Cab section now streamlined to mix and match Tone Models
Deeper ToneNET integration for a seamless and expanded experience
New Collections section to demo and purchase Premium Tone Models
Librarian adds new filters for easy search and transfer to TONEX pedal
15 new Premium Tone Models covering clean to high-gain amps

Intuitive Sidebar Navigation
TONEX 1.5 adds a comprehensive sidebar section with intuitive filters and folders, for quickly searching and organizing Tone Models and presets. Between "Tone Model" and "Preset" modes, the new sidebar streamlines the workflow by keeping all essential search functions accessible in one easy-to-navigate area.

Customizable User Folders
Organizing Tone Models and presets is easier in TONEX 1.5 with the addition of custom user folders. Users can organize and create as many folders as they like, and manage Tone Models or presets by simply dragging and dropping them into place. Custom folders for amp type, pedals, songs or sets are just some of the ways users can now quickly organize Tone Models to suit their needs and workflow.

Enhanced View Options
A new Card view offers a second way to display Tone Models and presets. Whether users want to see more Tone Models at once with the Card view or prefer to see more details via the List view, both options offer direct access to essential actions via new mouseover macros. TONEX 1.5 also lets users expand the relative size of the List or Card views within the application, and rescale the entire graphic interface to optimize the window's use of space.

Refined Amp and Cab Section
The Amp and Cab section now offers drag-and-drop functionality for quickly trying out different Tone Models, which can be moved directly into the Amp or Cab cells to replace what's there and try out new sounds. Optional "locks" keep either the amp or cab fixed so users may explore other tone possibilities, comparing how an amp sounds with different cabs or vice versa. TONEX 1.5 also adds bulk import for IRs and a new window to quickly integrate and manage all user and 3rd-party impulse responses within TONEX.

Deeper ToneNET Integration
TONEX 1.5 adds a dedicated section for Tone Partner and Signature Collections. These Premium collections can be easily accessed in the redesigned "Collection" section of TONEX with the ability to use the newly introduced filtering options of the sidebar. Users can sort collections by version, signature, or by a specific Tone Partner, with Quick filters to further refine the search. Play audio samples, try demos and make purchases, all within the "Collection" view.

New Filters for TONEX Pedal
Prepping for gigs is quicker now too thanks to the updated "Library" section that takes full advantage of the new filtering options to sort and organize Tone Models for transfer to TONEX Pedal. Users can apply any of the new filters or select from their user folders to move Tone Models directly to the pedal for their next show.

Bonus Premium Tone Models
To reward all, TONEX 1.5 also includes 15 new Premium Tone Models for paid versions of TONEX (SE, Full and MAX) featuring a wide selection of clean and high-gain tones, perfect for studio and stage. These Tone Models are based on sought-after amps from IK's vault such as a Bogner Shiva, Hiwatt DR103, Orange OR120, ENGL Powerball and more.

Pricing and Availability
TONEX 1.5 is a free update available via the IK Product Manager for all new and existing users of TONEX including the free version, TONEX CS. Owners of any paid version of TONEX (SE, Full, MAX) will also receive 15 new Premium Tone Models in a variety of styles by clicking "Restore Purchases" within the updated app.

For more information about TONEX or to see it in action, please visit:
That's a pleasant surprise. Took them long enough.

Is it any good though, or still terrible?

EDIT: On the other place there's already complaints about short text fields and a 3rd party IR browser that can't even alphabetically sort them.
That's a pleasant surprise. Took them long enough.

Is it any good though, or still terrible?

EDIT: On the other place there's already complaints about short text fields and a 3rd party IR browser that can't even alphabetically sort them.
They're roasting it at The Other Place. I haven't had a chance to give it a spin, yet. Who knows.
Hope that one day they'll add a delay block an the option to have left/right with/without cab sim. And maybe a little more gain on the outputs.
That's a pleasant surprise. Took them long enough.

Is it any good though, or still terrible?

EDIT: On the other place there's already complaints about short text fields and a 3rd party IR browser that can't even alphabetically sort them.
They added something that solves something that, for me, was annoying as fuck. The cab section did not retain the selected cab you wanted, always changing when you selected a different capture. Now it has a lock mode.
IR browser is somehow worse, except that you can now add more than one at a time. No way to sort or organise, in an update that’s aimed at sorting and organising. Couldn’t make it up.

It’s definitely an improvement, but also definitely lacking. It’s still not clear what is a preset and what is a tone model. Everything still requires a lot of clicks. And lots of stuff that should be close together is scattered all around the screen in places you kind of just have to learn rather than it making sense.

This is a typical IK update, it improves things slightly but still isn’t really quite right and doesn’t feel like they’ve had enough testing or feedback when developing it as so many of these flaws seem obvious and avoidable.

It’s already turning into a bloated botch of an app, much like Amplitube is these days.
Video of the features:

Who the hell OK'd that custom IR list? That's "nobody cared about this feature but we wanted to tick a checkbox on the features list" level stuff.

One of the major issues I had with the Tonex is still there: the lack of information about each tone model. The only useful information in that list at the bottom is still the stomp/amp/cab names and they do nothing to help the user figure out what is the difference between several models from the same vendor when you can't even fit the full name in there.
They removed the list view of IR's completely, so all you have is a potentially huge list in a super small, non resiseable window. If I actually used IR's with it I'd be pretty mad lol. Did I miss something? It would have been better to keep the single import and at least have a big window than that list IMO. 100% backwards step there when all they needed to do was let you import multiple IR's. It was actually lockable before too, but you had to do something weird with right-clicking in the right spot I think.

Fortunately I don't actually use the cab/IR section so it doesn't bother me too much
For those doing Tonex Captures for themselves or for sale ... the lack [still] of a batch processing feature must be a *massive* p.i.t.a.

For those doing Tonex Captures for themselves or for sale ... the lack [still] of a batch processing feature must be a *massive* p.i.t.a.


Yep - hence why I have 8 billion NAM captures but only create tonex versions of a couple. It's not a dealbreaker but it's still very annoying
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How on earth is the IR management "much much better now"????
All it takes is selling your own thoughts and opinions in exchange from a paycheck from IK. As soon as money exchanges hands, opinions don't mean anything.

IK seem to operate inside a void where it takes them to release unfinished products into the wild and garner bemused user feedback before realising there is anything wrong. So much of this stuff should have been apparent before the initial release, and yet they still can't get it right.

This is a company that releases an update focussed on improving the UI, and their improvement for IR's is to make a list you can't sort or organise. It makes you wonder what they interpret when they read user feedback, like is this genuinely what they thought users wanted?
I usually load a couple of captures on my tonex pedal and roll with them for a while. To me the fact that the ui is wonky is a positive because it makes me less wanting to waste hours trying millions of models.
I use it as a real amp ...
Video of the features:

Who the hell OK'd that custom IR list? That's "nobody cared about this feature but we wanted to tick a checkbox on the features list" level stuff.

One of the major issues I had with the Tonex is still there: the lack of information about each tone model. The only useful information in that list at the bottom is still the stomp/amp/cab names and they do nothing to help the user figure out what is the difference between several models from the same vendor when you can't even fit the full name in there.

Click on the info button?